Monday, June 1, 2009

According to a recent article by Bob Audette in the Reformer, on May 21 Reps. Welch and Hodes (VT & NH respectively) introduced legislated to fund conservation measures in the Upper Valley portion of the Connecticut River watershed. Similar legislation was introduced by the states' senators.

"The Upper Connecticut River Partnership Act of 2009 would authorize the Secretary of the Interior to invest $1 million per year in the Connecticut River Joint Commissions' [CRJC] effort to protect the river's watershed."

"New Hampshire's Connecticut River Valley Resource Commission and Vermont's Connecticut River Watershed Advisory Commision, both created in 1988, were directed to cooperate with each other to preserve and protect the resources of the Connecticut River Valley and to guide its growth and development.

"They have met together as the Joint Commissions since 1989.

"The mission of the Joint Commissions is to create a river corridor plan, improve water quality, create a Connecticut River Byway, strengthen markets for river valley agriculture, negotiate terms for hydro dams and provide grants for river-oriented projects."

To learn more about the CRJC visit

If anyone hears updates about this legislation, please comment here. This is good news and hopefully something the WRWA can get involved with.


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