Saturday, May 2, 2009

Help to Rename WRWA

The West River Watershed Alliance is looking for a new name that better represents the watershed the group serves. The main rivers include the Williams, the Saxtons, and the West. Have any suggestions?


Southeastern Vermont Watershed Association said...

Here are my top 3 picks (in order of preference):

1. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance

2. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Watch

3. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Action


Southeastern Vermont Watershed Association said...

Here are my top 3 picks (in order of preference):

1. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance

2. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Watch

3. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Action


Anonymous said...

My top 3 picks in order:

1. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance

2. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Action

3. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Watch


Anonymous said...

Here are my top 3 picks (in order of preference):

1. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Action

2. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Watch

3. Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance