Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Controversy Surrounds Ball Mt. Dam Water Release

As reported in today's issue of the Brattleboro Reformer (4.22), many people are not happy with the ANR's and USACE's decision to change the way water is released from Ball Mt. Dam this spring. What had become an annual tradition on a late April weekend of releasing water for whitewater enthusiasts has essentially been scrapped. Many boaters and local businesses are among those that are upset because of the loss of revenue and drastically changing the experience.

Apparently the decision to change how and when water is released from the dam was made to better accommodate migrating salmon smolt. The Reformer seems to have painted a picture of salmon and ecological concerns vs. economical and recreational concerns.

I've only included a few pieces of info. here; the full story is certainly more complicated. I think it would be interesting to hear people's comments on the matter...


1 comment:

Southeastern Vermont Watershed Association said...

Thanks to Cory for putting up this post! I think this issue is so complex and meaningful to this region that it would be GREAT to have a public forum about it at some point ... RS